Rosanne Bittner: Heart of the West

Rosanne Bittner: Heart of the West


Updated 13 February 2025
Outlaw Hearts Series

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This Time Forever new cover for 2024        Some great news for everyone who has been waiting for the reissue of THIS TIME FOREVER --I'm hoping that it will be available to order through Amazon in both ebook and trade paperback in February 2025! Meanwhile, here is the new cover! Some people have asked why this book will have a new cover, since the text is the same as it was in the original 1989 printing. That's because, even though I was able to get the rights back to the story, the original cover (and back cover blurb) still belong to the original publisher, and for me to use it again would be a violation of their copyright.

       For those of you who haven't already read it, THIS TIME FOREVERis a beautiful depiction of the fortitude of pioneer women, and my heroine's ability to survive the harsh realities of a woman alone in a rugged land. It also one of my foreign "hits" -- it has been translated into Norwegian and reprinted at least four times in French!

        When young Lilly Brannigan lands in America after losing her mother at sea, she is scared and alone and misses her Scottish homeland. Her only chance for survival lies in joining a group of kind Mormon converts whose dream is to find their promised land. But even the tenuous safety with Lilly’s adopted family is imperiled by the hatred and conflict that besieges the religious sect wherever they go.

        Not a Mormon herself, Lilly fears she will never find peace and a life of her own until she meets and falls in love with handsome American soldier Chase Mitchell. Chase offers true love and a life free of hardship and strife, but before they can wed, Chase is forced to ride off to war in Mexico. When he does not return, Lilly is left with a shameful secret and no wedding ring.

       Lilly utilizes every ounce of courage, talent and personal sacrifice to save her honor, and to provide for the precious son she bears. Fate brings her to a wild Nevada mining town and blesses her with unexpected fortune, but money and success cannot mend Lilly Brannigan’s broken heart in wondering what happened to the only man she ever truly loved … the handsome soldier who’d promised to love her forever.

       Based loosely on a true story, THIS TIME FOREVER is a vivid portrayal of the courage and strength of an American pioneer woman.

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Book cover showing a cowboy embracing a blonde womanA man whose tortured past won’t let go.

A woman whose love goes beyond forgiveness.

     Jake Harkner is scarred on the inside from his tortured childhood and scarred on the outside from cruel beatings and too many gunfights. Years ago, a chance encounter with Miranda Hayes struck his heart like lightening and struck hers like thunder. Their ensuing storm-filled love match often threatened their years of marriage.

     OUTLAW HEARTS is the ultimate romantic saga, told through realistic history and events that settled the American West and tested a man and woman’s love beyond what most can handle. Now, thinking that the storms are finally over, the dark cloud of a woman from Jake's past appears on the horizon, creating an emotional twister that threatens to tear him from the woman he loves.

      Not only does Dallas Blackburn's visit force Jake to reveal a deep dark secret to his wife and family, but Jake is forced to break a promise he made to his wife of never strapping on his .44’s again. Only this time, Miranda vows she will not be left behind to wait and worry while Jake rides into danger. Come hell or high water, she intends to ride beside her husband into outlaw country.clear the storm clouds of Jake’s past.

     A bad man with a good heart, Jake Harkner is a classic hero Bittner’s readers fell in love with. You will, too, after reading SHADOW TRAIL. Follow Jake and Miranda's journey from their sprawling ranch in Colorado to northern Wyoming's Outlaw Trail for a final confrontation with Jake’s past of good and evil that could finally clear the storm clouds that have followed him all his life.

      "We are all gettin' older, Jake," Cole teased. "How do you keep up with a wife who is ten years younger than you?"

     Jake paused, glancing at Miranda. "You just have to love her so much that it hurts," he answered. "The rest is easy."

      Randy smiled. She was always surprised at how a man who could be so ruthless often spoke more like a poet than an outlaw.

     I am SO happy that everyone is loving this book! Here are some comments from my readers:

  • "OMG, I had to close it last night! The writing is so good that it gave me angst! I won’t say anything more than, 'Dear God, Randy, what are you doing???? Stop!' I shall continue it tonight, with a glass of wine in hand!" -- Melinda, via Facebook

  • "I absolutely loved this one! Beautiful and epic in every way! And loved how the past connects them together in a deeper almost spiritual way. Brilliant job Rosanne Bittner! Thank you for sharing them with us once more." -- Lover of Romance Book Reviews (You can read the full review here.)

  • "Long day. Anixety high. So I'm gonna get lost in my book! If you like good westerns, this is the series. Women love Rosanne Bittner's Outlaw Hearts Series, and it's a series men would love too. Get lost in the old west!" -- Tonya

  • "Just finished Shadow Trail. !! Once again you knocked it out of the park Rosanne!!! Great story, great ending!! Love Jake & Randy!!!" -- Judy

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Note: Please see my Outlaw Hearts Series page for information about previous books in the series, and the SHADOW TRAIL listing on Amazon for more in-depth reviews!


My first contemporary romance novel, DANCING BENEATH YOU!

Book cover showing mountains, prairie, woman running, and wolf.

"DANCING BENEATH YOU is a novel that will capture your senses, tug at your heartstrings, and keep you on edge from beginning to end with its addictive pacing, beautiful atmospheric portrayal, and the edgy thrills that keep you yearning for more…A GEM OF A ROMANCE!" -- Renee, Addicted to Romance (Read entire review here.)

     Finally divorced from a violently abusive man, Carmen Wolfe is ready to enjoy life again, but not ready to love again. During a performance of Native American song and dance she attends at a new casino near her Michigan hometown, a live wolf named Caesar, who is part of the act, disobeys its trainer and sits down beside Carmen’s aisle seat and refuses to budge. He glares at Carmen with wild, yellow eyes, leaving her terrified and afraid to move.

     Worried about the dangerous situation, lead dancer Benjamin Red Wolf Colter, a lawyer for the Lakota (Oglala Sioux), leaves the stage to calm the tense moment. He urges Caesar back to his cage and apologizes to Carmen, but once he returns to South Dakota, Ben cannot stop thinking about the beautiful woman he met in Michigan. Heartbroken over his wife and unborn son, who were killed in an assassination attempt on his life, Ben believes that the incident with Caesar means the wolf spirit has chosen Carmen as the woman who can put an end to his grief and teach him to love again.

Carmen, too, cannot ignore the sizzling attraction she and Ben shared in that first fateful meeting. She stays in touch, and soon a deeper relationship leads her to South Dakota. Can these two overcome past tragedies? Can Carmen learn to trust again? And can she live with the fact that someone still wants Ben Colter dead?

The haunting lure of the South Dakota Badlands holds all the answers.

"Addicted to Romance" also did a wonderful interview with me, along with more details on Renee's opinion about DANCING BENEATH YOU. You can read it here -- I know you'll enjoy it!

 divider graphic   What readers are saying about DANCING BENEATH YOU   divider graphic 

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A man haunted by his outlaw past.
The woman who loves him.
A tight-knit family he holds dear.
Old enemies out to kill him.

       Jake Harkner loves hard. He also fights hard, determined to protect the woman and the family of whom he has always felt unworthy, but they are the only light in his inner darkness. Now Jake lives in changing times. New laws tell him he can no longer deal his own kind of justice with the guns that made him infamous. Jake’s passion for the woman who understands him more than any human being on earth might be the only thing that keeps him alive.

Hot. Gritty. Old West Meets New West.
An unforgettable love story.

 divider graphic   What readers are saying about BLAZE OF GLORY   divider graphic 

 divider graphic   Order BLAZE OF GLORY   divider graphic 

~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~   *   ~

2015 reprint of OUTLAW HEARTS   DO NOT FORSAKE ME, the sequel to OUTLAW HEARTS   LOVE'S SWEET REVENGE   The Last Outlaw   Christmas In a Cowboy's Arms   Cover,BLAZE OF GLORY

 divider graphic    Outlaw Hearts Series page   divider graphic 


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       Love my books? Then I’m inviting you to be a member of my Heart of the West Street Team Facebook Group to join in discussions with me about my older books, or be the first to hear about new books and covers! The best sell is always personal recommendations, so please tell or email friends about my books. You never know who goes home at night and curls up with a good book that was recommended by YOU!

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Ride The High Lonesome cover Lawman In The High Lonesome coverCover for JOURNEY TO HIGH LONESOME

       Just click on any cover above for information about that specific book, or on the link below to see the entire High Lonesome series!

 divider graphic   High Lonesome Series Page   divider graphic

ORDER:  divider graphic   RIDE THE HIGH LONESOME   divider graphic   LAWMAN IN THE HIGH LONESOME   divider graphic   JOURNEY TO HIGH LONESOME   


"Dear Mrs. Bittner, I discovered your books about six months ago, and have been reading them non-stop. MY DILEMMA NOW, MRS. BITTNER, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO AFTER I FINISH MY LAST BOOK OF YOURS? I LOVE the period you write in (pioneers and indians) and your wonderful style of writing. I have learned more about our heritage and the wonderful Native Americans from your books than what I learned while in school. PLEASE, PLEASE, I truly hope you can give me a name or two to look into for further reading. PLEASE WRITE MORE BOOKS....I am a fan of yours for life!!!" -- from a recent email





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All book covers on this page Copyright © by publishers and artists, and used by permission (see Copyrightspage for details). All Rights Reserved.

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